It’s all in the details
Nowadays, there are hundreds of LED strip suppliers listed on amazon, sold through electrical distributors, or specified by architects. It’s difficult to know which strips should will last long time in your home or business, and which should be classified as disposable (lasting only a few months to a year).
At first glance, it is difficult to discern, but with the information below, you will be prepared to ask any LED supplier educated questions when determining the quality of a product. If you plan to use a product for many years in your home, business, or OEM project, it is essential that you ask your suppliers to back up their quality claims with data and science. If you are looking to manufacture your own LEDs at scale, or make your own LED strip lights at home, here is an overall guide filled with the concepts you should be familiar with.
Read this to find out what makes a high-quality strip lights. Dream Light is a professional manufacturer that quality focused manufacturing process to create the best strip lights in the market.
The following is our Dream Light LEDs method (condensed)
- Understand and order your components
- IPQC the components
- Dry the LEDs
- Create and use solder molds
- Apply lead-free tin solder paste onto the base PCB
- Semi-finished test
- Placement of components on solder pads
- Color Consistency test
- Bake the strip in a reflow oven to secure all components
- Separate and join the 0.5m strip segments together
- The tape is applied to the back of the PCB
- Soldering wire leads and connectors onto each strip
- Glue and heat shrink is applied to wire solder points
- Waterproofing and weatherproofing for IP65 to IP68 rated strip lights
- Extrusion procesure
- Age Testing
- Quality Control testing
- Parameter testing
- Consistant temperature and Humidity test
- Rolled neatly onto a reel
- Warehouse
- Shipment